Inkvent Calendar Days 2 and 3

Well, you can’t expect a post every day!

Day 2

I didn’t get around to Sunday’s ink, Pelikan Edelstein Aventurine, until quite late and then had a bit of a near miss as I tried to fill a pen that already had Cornflower blue ink in it. I don’t think I adulterated the sample as it’s still a nice deep green, but if you are familiar with the ink and it looks wrong, please let me know.

So here’s the Aventurine swatch:

Apologies for the scrappy writing on the label. I blobbed first and then was trying to write the label without dunking my hand into the wet ink.

Unlike their Ruby, there’s no sheen as far as I can tell, but I did “over blob” a little and had to do some mopping up of the excess.  I do like a nice green and this is quite a rich, dark one, reminiscent of festive greenery. Combined with yesterday’s red, I began to have some very Christmasy thoughts. At this rate, the tree might have to be dragged down from the loft before Christmas Eve! <gasp>

The chocolate was a violet cream 🙂

Day 3

Back to a Rose Cream choc and the sample of the day is the recently reviewed Diamine Shimmer Neon Lime. You can see the review of the new Diamine Shimmer inks here . Now, given the silver shimmer this ink has, the thoughts are getting very festive indeed!

This was what I came up with…

I may use this for a Christmas card 🙂


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