The Chaplain’s Tankard

Today’s review features the Italix Chaplain’s Tankard. Italix is a brand of pens with a predominantly clerical theme, made exclusively for Mr Pen, a London-based retailer. As an owner of their Deacon’s Doodle, (a favourite of mine), I can attest to their quality.

The Chaplain’s Tankard is a fairly ordinary looking black lacquer pen with gold trim. This is in no way a detriment, unless you happen to like your pens with more bling than Liberace. It has a pleasingly simple and stylish quality that is lacking in many more expensive pens (and, indeed, Liberace). It comes in a compact black cardboard box, which is all the packaging that is needed for a pen IMO. (Don’t get me started on the space taken up by unnecessarily large and fancy pen boxes!)

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Sorry it took an Aion

After a flying start to December’s Inkvent calendar, things rather ran away with me and it was all I could do to keep up with just swatching the inks each day*. Consequently, the posts on here rather dried up and the review I should have undertaken also fell by the wayside. Anyway, setting the excuses aside, I have now had a chance to have a play with the Lamy Aion, albeit a brief one, for the purposes of this review.

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Inkvent Calendar Days 2 and 3

Well, you can’t expect a post every day!

Day 2

I didn’t get around to Sunday’s ink, Pelikan Edelstein Aventurine, until quite late and then had a bit of a near miss as I tried to fill a pen that already had Cornflower blue ink in it. I don’t think I adulterated the sample as it’s still a nice deep green, but if you are familiar with the ink and it looks wrong, please let me know.

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Nettuno 1911

Today’s post for United Inkdom is a review of the Nettuno 1911 Tritone, on loan from iZods for review purposes. As someone who prefers slim, elegant lines over pretty resins, I really didn’t think I was going to like this pen, with its flat ends and fairly wide body. The Tritone is a very pretty resin though – pearly highlights gleam out from within the blue grey – you want to pick it up just to look at it and touch it. It has a nice weight in the hand too. I must admit that I found its looks very appealing.

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