Bespoke Pens Handmade (Silverburl Pens) Review

Alongside the big manufacturers, there are many bespoke pen makers creating custom and unique pieces. Today, I review six truly beautiful handmade pens from John Sanderson of Silverburl Pens.  They include a variety of materials from wood burl,  a resin embedded pine cone, diamond cast, kirinite and ebonite. Prepare to pick your jaw up off the ground and put your credit card on to chill. You have been warned!

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Small But Mighty – Schon DSGN Pocket 6 Review

The Schon DSGN Pocket 6 is named for the full-sized #6 nib it uses, rather than the smaller nibs found in most pocket pens. I’m a bit of a sucker for gadgets and, for me,  pocket pens definitely fall into that category. This is a high quality turned metal pen. It may be small, but it is mighty.  At approximately 90mm closed, this is one of the shortest pens I have used, though not the lightest. This solid brass model weighs in at 43g.

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Super Supra

It’s been a surprisingly busy time here for the last few months, despite Covid. As usual, I am spreading myself thinner than a bungee rope at full stretch, albeit with considerably less bounce. Consequently, I have rather neglected this blog and the posts I had been planning to write. However, as part of the United Inkdom revival, I have found myself with a Kaweco Supra to play with and so here is my review.

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Cornucopia of Delights

It has been a tough couple of months under lockdown., though there are aspects I don’t mind at all. I’m generally quite happy pottering about at home and have more than enough to occupy me. At this time of year, however, I should be off trading at Historic Fairs virtually every weekend. Unfortunately, pretty much everything has now been cancelled for the rest of the season. I am not going to see my fellow traders and friends,. The loss of my main income stream has been a huge blow. I even miss camping out, particularly since the weather has been so wonderful. I do have a small amount of work coming in, but it isn’t enough to compensate. All this is enough to get even the most stoic soul down.

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Advent Again?

With the current confusion as to which day it is*, you might be forgiven for wondering if Christmas has come around again early with the release of Diamine’s Inkvent Blue Edition inks. These were first issued as limited edition 10ml bottles in Diamine’s 2019 Inkvent calendar and proved such a hit that all 25 inks have now been re-released in a very funky 50ml glass bottle.  Continue reading “Advent Again?”

Too Many Purples?

The Fountain Pen UK group (FPUK) recently commissioned a couple of purple inks from Diamine. After a number of rounds of polling on colour, then specific sample variant, it became apparent that just one of the purples would not be enough. Thus, once the final naming poll was complete, two purples went into production and Scribble Purple and Monboddo’s Hat were born. Continue reading “Too Many Purples?”

Delike Delovely

My whim purchase of the Delike Alpha arrived this morning from China. I chose the pretty mid blue (“Noble Blue”) aluminium pen and I was intrigued enough to buy it with the EF “bent” nib. Since the nib units just screw in, it seemed rude not to try a couple of other nib options as well, so I also bought standard EF and F nibs. The whole lot set me back around £20 and even comes in a nice tobacco-sized tin,  just like the Kaweco Sport it is copying.

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Cheap As Chips

What makes a good pen? Well, it isn’t necessarily the price tag. Some of my favourite pens cost me less than £5. My Yongsheng 016, for example, is a lovely little pen. Slim, pretty, metal-bodied, with a surprisingly good fine hooded nib, it is a very good writer for the £2 and some pence that it cost. Of course, at that price, I have no qualms at all about filling it with shimmer or sheen inks. Though just because it was cheap, does not make me value it less or treat it carelessly. Continue reading “Cheap As Chips”


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